The English text is so far only covering a small part of our activities. More information can be found in the Norwegian and Sami versions.

In Guovdageaidnu there is a lot of fish. Perch is a tasty fish which could be caught and eaten more than what is done now.
(Foto: Svein Lund)

Guovdageainnu meahcceguovddáš / Kautokeino Nature Center

Angelica archangelica is a well known plant for food and medical use, one of the mostly used plants in sami tradition. It grows many places in Guovdageaidnu, especially close to lakes and rivers.
(Foto: Svein Lund)

Exhibition at Culture House

The exhibition of the Nature Center is now to be seen at the Culture House in Guovdageaidnu. It consists of:
– picture exhibition about fishing, birds, plants, mushrooms, reindeer herding, geology, power plants and mines.
– geological exhibition with stones from Guovdageaidnu and other places in Norway

Join the Guovdageainnu meahcceguovddáš-association!

Guovdageainnu meahcceguovddáš is a nature center under upbuilding in Guovdageaidnu (Kautokeino), Finnmark, Norway.
Our aim is to strengthen knowledge about and use of the nature locally and generally and give offers for schools, local population and tourists..

We invite everybody to join as a member.
Member fee is for persons 100 NOK a year or 1000 NOK forever, for companies / institutions / associations. 1000 NOK a year or 10.000 NOK forever.
Download out presentation: Norwegian, Sami og English

Short facts about the Nature Centre Guovdageainnu Meahcceguovddáš

Initiator: Naturvernforbundet i Ávjovárri (Friends of the Earth), autumn 2015
Preproject: January 2016 – September 2017.
Interim board: September 2017 – November 2018
Founded as organisation June 2018. Founding declaration and rules, board.
Organisation number: 921 362 595.
Bank account: 1254.62.91144. From abroad: IBAN NO0412546291144
Office: Guovdageaidnu culture house, 1st floor, Bredbuktnesveien 50
Post adress: Pb. 318, N-9521 Guovdageaidnu